Tenesynovitis of the wrist or De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis is essentially an inflammation felt in the radial site of the wrist. It was previously known as the “washer woman’s sprain”. Since rinsing clothes is no more a daily phenomena and has been replaced by the perks of a washing machine, the condition is now known by the name of the Swiss surgeon Fritz de Quervain, who first described and explained it in the year 1895.
The condition itself is often related to some sort of repetitive trauma or injury in the radial side of the wrist. For instance, commonly encountered in fly fishermen, piano players, bricklayers and heavy weight lifters. Basically any sort of work that may involve constant, regular and repetitive strain on the wrists may lead to this sort of a condition.
It is also commonly seen among women more typically in middle age. Women who are pregnant have also repeatedly complained about the same. Tenosynovitis has shown some association with rheumatoid arthritis as well.
Scientific Explanation
There exists a protective sheath called the synovium that covers all tendons. This particular sheath produces the synovial fluid that keeps the tendons lubricated. Any sort of injury to the tendons may result in the malfunctioning of the sheath and its functions. In such a case, the sheath may fail to actually produce the synovial fluid, or it may not be able to make enough fluid. This may then result in swelling and inflammation of the said area leading to the development of the condition called Tenesynovitis.