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Keep Yourself Happy In Pregnancy


Here are some tips on how you can stay happy during pregnancy –

1. Stay healthy

Pregnancy can result in you being clumsy and lethargic. A conscious effort on your part to stay active by going for walks or indulging in low impact workouts is necessary to stay healthy. Eating healthy and staying active will not only help in keeping you physically fit, but will also reduce stress.

You can opt for 30 to 45 minutes of regular walking or Pilates for your work outs.

2. Always be yourself

When faced with a troubling situation, focus on the well being of the baby. Keeping the baby’s well being as the primary objective will help in dealing with other problems in an effective manner. Your problems will often seem minute when compared to the joys of motherhood.

3. Meditate regularly

To deal with the lethargy and clumsiness that often accompany’s pregnancy, use meditation as a tool. Simple breathing exercises, done for 10-15 minutes every day, can leave you feeling calm, rejuvenated and relaxed. A relaxed mind will allow you focus and deal with other problems in a logical and efficient manner.

4. Keep a journal

Writing down your memories in a journal can make the journey interesting. You can record the events in the form of videos or photos as well. This also keeps you occupied and can prove to be a welcome distraction from pregnancy related problems.

5. Steer clear of negativity

Being around pessimistic people can aggravate your negative thoughts and increase your levels of stress. Their incessant tales of hopelessness and despair will be in no way good for a pregnant woman. Instead, read positive books, do whatever you love doing and cultivate positivity around you.

6. Stay away from vices

Habits such as drinking and smoking should be avoided at all costs. Eating junk food during pregnancy can lead to a host of problems. So for the sake of your baby’s health, stay away from these.

7. Pamper yourself

To get rid of all the accumulated stress, consider pampering yourself with those occasional spa sessions. While a body massage can do wonders to all the pregnancy related pain, activities such as pedicure, manicure or a hair spa could be some of the alternatives as well.

8. Savor each moment

From shopping for the baby to organizing the nursery, savor each of these moments. These little things can give you immense joy and prepare you up for the grand arrival.

9. Eat well

Selecting organic fresh foods and eating a well-balanced diet constituting of protein, fats and carbohydrates in adequate amounts, is necessary. Add plenty of green vegetables to your diet as they are loaded with important vitamins and minerals that are extremely important to sustain a healthy pregnancy. Try to avoid supplements of any kind (unless of course prescribed by your doctor) and instead, focus on getting your daily nutrition from healthy foods.

10. Rest

While the emphasis on maintaining an active lifestyle precedes almost everything, this is no way diminishes the importance of a well-rested body. Rest is of utmost importance during a pregnancy as it rejuvenates your body and guards it from stress, both physical and mental. Taking small naps through the course of the day can do the trick. However, oversleeping can result in a disrupted sleep pattern. Therefore, getting sound sleep at night could then be a worry.

11. Educate yourself

When it comes to pregnancy, a lot of misinformation does the rounds, pretty much always. So, source information form credible sources or you could even clarify your doubts with the doctor.

It is generally observed that a major portion of care and attention is directed towards the first nine months of pregnancy. However, equally crucial is the postpartum period. The postpartum period lasts six to eight weeks from the time a baby is born. And, during this period, the new mother undergoes many physical and emotional changes, indicative of the requirement for good postnatal care. Portea offers exceptional postnatal care and services in the form of its Kanga and Roo service.

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